Thursday, March 31, 2011

Decatur, IL Reported Crimes 2002-2010

Well here it is somewhat the start of a new year in Decatur, IL. (2011). Now a-lot of times I hear, Decatur is one of the wost towns to live in. Jobs moving out, Schools not doing well and crime rates way to high. Now I do understand the jobs moving out, look at a-lot of bigger city's in IL. Its a tough place in IL to work right now,not just Decatur. School system is going to be a different day post. Lets have a-look at the Crime rate for the last few years.

You tell me do we see A sign of Crime dropping?

Let's talk about the first on the list Homicide, yes for the year 2010 4 is way to high of a number to have happen in the town of Decatur, but lets go back a few years. I would have to say homicides rates have dropped in numbers. It would be nice to see 0, but then again are 4 to Chicago's 435 homicides or even Springfield's 12 I would say Decatur is in a smaller group. Yes both towns are bigger and Chicago being it's own state almost. 
  • 2003 - Total of 8
  • 2005 - Total of 9
  • 2006 - Total of 10
  • 2008 - Total of 9
  • 2009 - Total of 4
  • 2010 - Total of 4

Feel free to look the numbers over on the rest of the chart. Yes crime is high, but not near what the last 8 years have been.

Decatur Films does not take credit for crime rate chart. Chart is from City of Decatur.
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