A woman in Toledo, Ohio has been indicted for vandalism after going into a rage at a McDonald's drive up window when employees refused to sell her McNuggets because it was breakfast time.~Associated Press
Note: This is not my video, this is from the Associated Press!
My view on this video: OK I really don't understand this video at all. Something tells me something else may have brought this woman to killing a McDonald's drive-thru window. Yes I know it say's she was mad because she could not get McNuggets because it was breakfast time. Really there is a few thing's I don't understand. What time is it? I mean, they stop selling breakfast around 10:00am at most McDonald's. So it must have been before 10am, right? If it is who really eats McNuggest before 10:00am? Which leads me to next set of question . Do we thing maybe she was under the influence? One key thing I seen is when she breaks the window. Is that a beer bottle that she throws at the window?
One final thought on this, no matter what time it is, its not worth paying the fines for breaking a window out. I mean McNuggest are only like $5.00.